Henri BatallerAssociate Professor
- Coordinator of the communication
LFCR, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'AdourCampus Côte Basque,1 allée du parc Montaury64600 Anglethenri.bataller @ univ-pau.fr
+33 559574412
- Research Experiences:
2015- Associate professor higher category at Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, LFCR (UMR 5150), Anglet, France.
Measurement of diffusion and Soret coefficients of multi-constituent mixtures.
2003-2015 Associate professor at Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, LFCR (UMR 5150), Anglet, France.
Measurement of diffusion and Soret coefficients of multi-constituent mixtures.
2000-2003 Associate professor at Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, LTEMPM, Anglet, France.
Formulation and characterisation of emulsions, nanoemulsions, microemulsions and defoamings.
1999-2000 Research assistant at Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, LTEMPM, Pau, France.
Formulation and characterisation of emulsions, nanoemulsions and microemulsions.
- Teaching Experiences:
2015- Associate professor higher category at Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, LFCR (UMR 5150), Anglet, France.
Betwenn 200 and 240h/year.
Lectures/tutorials/laboratory of Physics (waves Physics, Optics, solid Mechanics, quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfert, Hydraulics) in Physics, Chemistry, water treatment and industrial Ecology degrees.
2003-2015 Associate professor at Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, LFCR (UMR 5150), Anglet, France.
Betwenn 200 and 240h/year.
Lectures/tutorials/laboratory of Physics (Optics, solid Mechanics, quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfert, Hydraulics) in Physics, Chemistry, water treatment, industrial Ecology and Civil Engineering school degrees.
2000-2003 Associate professor at Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, LTEMPM, Anglet, France.
Betwenn 200 and 240h/year.
Lectures/tutorials/laboratory of Physics (Optics, solid Mechanics, quantum Mechanics, Electronics) in Physics, Chemistry, Biology degrees.
1999-2000 Teachning assistant at Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, LTEMPM, Pau, France.
Tutorials/laboratory of general Physics in Physics degree.
1995-1998 Teachning assistant at Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, LTEMPM, Pau, France.
Tutorials/laboratory of general Physics in Physics degree.
- Education:
1998 PhD in Chemistry-Physics, Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, France.
1995 Master degree in Energetics-Transfers-Transports-Dispersed Systems, , Univ Pau & Pays de l'Adour, France.
- International and scientific activities:
Regional and general coordinator of the trans-Pyrenees network « Physical Transport Properties » financed by the Working Community of Pyrenees, until December 2007.
Regional Coordinator of the project « Study of thermodiffusion at high pressure for liquid mixtures of industrial interest and development of suitable analysis techniques » financed by the common funding for the cooperation Aquitaine-Euskadi from September 2006 to September 2008.
Researcher for the project « Soret Coefficient in Crude Oils » financed by the European Space Agency (ESA), periods 2007-2009 and 2014-2017.
Member of the International Topical Team « Diffusion in non-metallic mixtures » of ESA as scientific expert for the experiment DCMIX (2011-). Co-coordinator of the 4th experience on-board the ISS (scheduled for 2018).
Researcher for the project « NEUF-DIX » financed by ESA (2017-2022).
- Academic responsabilities:
Teaching coordinator for the second year of the BS in Physics-Chemistry at the UFR Sciences et Techniques de la Côte Basque (2000-2009).
Co-director of the BS in Physics-Chemistry at the UFR Sciences et Techniques de la Côte Basque (2003-2009).
Coordinator of the quality assessment of the BS in Physics-Chemistry at the UFR Sciences et Techniques de la Côte Basque (2008-2012).
Elected representative of the Council of the UFR Sciences et Techniques de la Côte Basque (2003-2007).
Corresponding for the Apogée software at the UFR Sciences et Techniques de la Côte Basque (2005-).
Coordinator for the working stages at the BS of the UFR Sciences et Techniques de la Côte Basque (2000-2009).
Vice-director of the UFR Sciences et Techniques de la Côte Basque (2009-2014).
Coordinator for the timetables and rooms of the UFR Sciences et Techniques de la Côte Basque (2014-2015).
Coordinator of the communication of the Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et de leurs Réservoirs (LFCR) - UMR 5150 (2016-).
Research interests
Activity 1: Dispersed systems.
Formulation and characterisation of emulsions, nanoemulsions and microemulsions.
Activity 2: Thermodiffusion.
Measurement of diffusion and Soret coefficients of multi-constituent mixtures in porous media under high pressure (application to the composition analysis of oil and gas reservoirs).