Jean-Paul CallotProfessor
- TOTAL Chair of Geology
- Scientific Advisor, E2S-UPPA consortium
2010 Habilitation à diriger des recherches: ‘Basin modelling an integrating tool in geosciences’, Univeristé Paris VI with honours.
2002 PhD: 'Origin, Structures and Development of volcanic margins: The Greenland case study; Mantle-Lithosphere interaction in mantle plume context'. ENS Paris, Université Paris VI Jussieu, with honours.
1999 Master of Earth Sciences/Geodynamics (ENS-UMPC).
1996 Assistant teacher, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
2016 Professor first class, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
2011 Structural Geology Chair Total UPPA.
2011 Professor, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
2003-2011 Research engineer / project leader at Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP New Energy)
1996 Assistant teacher, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Community services, UPPA
• 2017 Elected member of the Council, Science and Technologies Energy and Environment College
• 2017 Scientific advisor, Operating committee of E2S (http://e2s-uppa.eu/en/index.html)
• 2016-2018 Chairman of the Research Council of Univ. Pau & Pays Adour
• 2016 Member of the Research commission, Univ. Pau & Pays Adour
• 2015-2017 Head CGR group (Caracterisation of Geological Reservoirs), Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et leurs Réservoirs (LFCR), UMR 5150 UPPA-CNRS-TOTAL
• 2014 Member of the ED 211 council
• 2011 Member of the Selection Comitee Geosciences
• 2011-2017 Director, Petroleum Engineering master Second year, Geoscience major
Community services, National
• 2016 Member of the CNU 35 “National Council of University, Geosciences section”
• 2011-2016 Member of the Scientific and technical direction committee of the LSBB (Rustrel, France, http://lsbb.eu)
• 2014 Co convener RST 2014 in Pau (https://rst2014-pau.sciencesconf.org)
• Expert, HCERES
• Expert, project review (INSU, CNRS, ISF NSF, etc.)
• Member of selection committee (Assist. Pr. and Pr.)
• Reviewer of papers (>45)
• Examination/reviewer of PhD thesis/HDR (>15; >5)
1-PostDoctoral fellow / Researcher:
- Nathalie Etheve (2018-2020 with T. Cornu): Coupling basin and lithospheric modelling.
- Maxime Ducoux (2018-2019, with E. Masini): Thermal imprint in the Aquitaine basin.
- Esther Izquierdo (2017-2018 with C. Aubourg): Salt tectonics inheritance in the Chainons Béarnais, E2S PostDoc position.
- Edouard LeGarzic/Julien Babault (2017-2019, with B. Nivière & JC Ringenbach): Multimethod characterization of the Tadjik basin.
- Charlie Kergaravat (2017-2018, with JC Ringenbach & William Vetel): Structural and kinematics of the Papua New Guinea FFTB.
- Arnaud Arbeaumont (2009): Numerical modelling and restoration of salt domes (Beicip/IFP).
- Nicolas Espurt (2008): Tectonic and regional modelling of the Great Bight. (MCF Cerege, Aix en Provence).
- Daniel Rondon (2007): Modelling of salt domes (Beicip-Franlab).
- Helga Ferket (2006): Coupling fluids, strain and kinematics in the Veracruz belt (Vita, Belgique).
- Sylvain Grelaud (2005): Study of the Timor inversion (Schlumberger).
- Bruno Leclère (2017-2020, UPPA-E2S, with D. Grégoire & H. Derluyn): Crystallisation induced fracturation in deep reservoir conditions.
- Gulce Dinc (2017-2020, UPPA-Total, with JC. Ringenbach) : Subsurface evidences and field example of mobilized clays: Shale Tectonics back on the line.
- Naim Célini (2017-2020, UPPA-Total, with JC. Ringenbach): Salt tectonic in the Digne nappe.
- Arthur Blouin (2017-2020, UPPA Total IFREMER with N. Sultan & P. Imbert). Making mud from stratified clays : the role of methane.
- Geoffrey Motte (2017-2020, UPPA-Total with G. Hoareau): Dolomitisation of the Chainons Béarnais.
- Yacine Kiche (2016-2019 Gogéoengineering-UPPA, with D. Rousset): Characterising fractures set with seismic attributes.
- Etienne Legeay (2014-2017, UPPA-Total, with JC. Ringenbach): Géodynamique du bassin de Sivas, formation du bassin Tertiaire.
- Alexandre Pichat (2014-2017, CIFRE UPPA-Total, with G. Hoareau): Système Sivas basin evaporites and associated diagenesis.
- Charlie Kergaravat (2012-2015, CIFRE UPPA-Total, 60%, with JC. Ringenbach): Tectonosedimentary analysis of the Sivas mini basins.
- Charlotte Ribes (2012-2015, CIFRE UPPA-Total, 30%,with C. Bonnel & M. Lopez): Tectonosedimentary analysis of the Sivas mini basins.
- Julia Holzhauer (2011-2014, UPPA with C. Borde & D. Brito): Analysis of seismo-electric data: partially saturated cases.
- Matthieu Branellec (2011-2014, UPPA-Total with B. Nivière & JC. Ringenbach): Andean front development in the Neuquen basin, link with the matrix and fracture strains.
- Mickaël Barbier (2009-2011, IFPEN Uni. Provence, with Y. Hamon & M. Floquet, U. Provence): Coupling facies, diagenesis and fracturation: the case of the Madison platform, Wyoming (Researcher, IFP New energies).
- Khalid Amrouch (2006-2010, IFPEN UPMC with O. Lacombe & J.M. Daniel): Microdéformation and paleostresses, the case of Sheep Mountain (Wyoming). (assistant professor, Adelaide Univ.).
- Nicolaas Hardebol (2005-2009, IFPEN Amsterdam, Orsay, with G. Bertotti, S. CLoetingh & F. Roure): Thermomechanical modelling of the Canadian Rocky mountains (Assistant professor, Université de Delft).
- Nadège Vilasi (2005-2009, IFPEN Leuwen, with F. Roure & R. Swennen): Fluid rock interactions during the Alabnide belt building, modélisation Ceres (Researcher, statoil then Total).
- Salman Jahani (2005-2008 IFPEN NIOC, Cergy-Pontoise, with J. Letouzey & D. Frizon de Lamotte): Structural study of the Fars, rinteraction between salt structure and shortening (Research engineer, NIOC).