Guy Senechal

Accès thématique aux CV

Guy SenechalMaître de conférences

  • Enseignant-chercheur
  • Responsable de la 1ère année de la licence des sciences de la Terre
  • LFCR
    bureau 130 - 1er étage bâtiment IPRAUniversité de Pau et des pays de l'Adouravenue de l'université64000 PAU
  • guy.senechal @
  • + 33 6 19 20 67 55


Doctorat de géophysique à l'université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble (1991)

Post-doc à l'école polytechnique de Montréal (1993-1995)

ATER à l'université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (1996)

Maître de conférences à l'université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (depuis 1997)


Responsable de la 1ère année de la licence des sciences de la Terre


Acquisition, traitement et interprétation de données géophysiques à partir de méthodes actives et passives telles que :

- sismique haute résolution (surface / forage)

- radar géologique (surface / forage)

- résistivité électrique

- sismique passive

Thèmes de recherche

Imagerie et caractérisation du sous-sol appliquée à des contextes tels que :

- zones de failles actives

- analogues de réservoirs carbonatés

- glacier / pergélisol / glaciers rocheux

- zones lacustres

- sites archéologiques

- dépôts sédimentaires récents / hydrogéologie


  • Sénéchal, G. , Rousset, D., & Gaffet, S., 2013. Ground Penetrating Radar investigation inside a karstified limestone reservoir, Near Surface Geophysics, 11, pp 283-291.

  • Carrière, S., Chalikakis, K., Sénéchal, G., Danquigny, C. and Emblanch, C, 2013. Combining Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Ground Penetrating Radar to study geological structuring of karst Unsaturated Zone, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 94, pp 31-41.

  • Beres, J., Zeyen, H., Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D. and Gaffet, S., 2013. Seismic anisotropy analysis at the Low-Noise underground Laboratory (LSBB) of Rustrel (France), Journal of Applied Geophysics, 94, pp 59-71.

  • Beauprêtre, S., Garambois, S., Manighetti, I., Malavieille, J., Sénéchal, G., Chatton, M., Davies,T., Larroque, C., Rousset, D., Cotte, N. and Romano, C,Finding the buried record of past earthquakes with GPR-based paleoseismology: a case study on the Hope fault, New Zealand, Geophys. J. Int., vol 189, pp 73-100.

  • Sénéchal, G., Carrière, C. and Chalikakis, K, Deep GPR investigations on a karst zone, AGU meeting, San Francisco.

  • Manighetti, I., Beauprêtre, S., Garambois, Malavieille, J., Chatton, M., and Sénéchal, G.,Finding the buried memory of past earthquakes with geophysical, GPR-based paleoseismology, AGU meeting, San Francisco.

  • Sénéchal, P. and Sénéchal, G.,Relationships between water flow rate and geophysical measurements in alluvial aquifer, Acta Geophysica, 58, 1, pp 83-95.

  • Gaffet, S., Monfret, T., Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D., Zeyen, H., Auguste, M., Boyer, D., Cavaillou, A., Elastic Time Reversal Mirror Experiment in a Mesoscopic Natural Medium at the Low Noise Underground Laboratory of Rustrel, France, arXiv:1005.0158v1, Cornell University Library.

  • Yedlin M., Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D., Fortino, N., Dauvignac, J-Y., Gaffet, S., Monfret, T., Pichot, Ch., Comparative study using an UWB measurement system and a RAMAC GPRsystem for subsurface imaging of the Vaucluse karst aquifer. Special Session on Microwave Imaging. in Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems (IEEE ICWITS 2010), 28 August-3 September 2010, Honolulu, USA.

  • Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D. and Gaffet, S., Water content monitoring in limestone based on radar velocity analysis (LSBB). iDUST2010 workshop, Apt, France.

  • Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D. and Gaffet, S., Etude de la circulation d'eau au sein d'un massif karstifié (LSBB) à partir de mesures géoradar. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST2010), Bordeaux, France.

  • Rousset, D., Sénéchal, G., Gaffet, S., Structural charactérization of a limestone formation using GPR, AGU meeting, San Francisco.

  • Feuillet, Thierry, Sénéchal, G. Rousset, D., Internal structure of a rock glacier of the French Pyrenees: Ground Penetrating Radar survey and geomorphological analyses, International Symposium on Geomorphology "Geomorphosites 2009", Melbourne.

  • Rousset, D., Sénéchal, G. and Gaffet, S., GPR investigations in galleries buried inside a karstified limestone formation, EGU meeting, Vienne.

  • Yedlin, M., Cresp, A., Dauvignac, J.Y., Gaffet, S., Sénéchal, G., Fortino, N., Tichot, C. and Aliferis, I, Time-frequency transform techniques applied to ultra-wideband ground penetrating radar, EGU meeting, Vienne.

  • Yedlin, M., Cresp, A., Pichot, C., Aliferis,I., Dauvignac J.Y.,Gaffet,S., Sénéchal, G., Ultra-Wideband Microwave Imaging of Heterogeneities, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 68, pp 17-25.

  • Sénéchal, P., Sénéchal, G. , Martin, J.M., Bordes, C., Relationships between Water Flow Rate and Geophysical Measurements in Alluvial Aquifer, 2008. Extended Abstract, EAGE-Near Surface Meeting, Cracovie, Pologne.

  • Bardainne, T., Dubos-Sallée, N., Sénéchal, G., Gaillot, P. and Perroud, H., 2008. Analysis of the induced seismicity of the Lacq gas field (Southwestern France) and model of deformation, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 172, Issue 3, 1151-1162.

  • Maufroy, E., Operto, S., Sénéchal, G., Ribodetti, A., Zeyen, H., Dietrich, M. and Gaffet, S., 2007. Seismic imaging for topographic site effect modelling at the Low Noise Underground laboratory (LSBB), Rustrel, France, Abstract EGU Meeting, Vienne, Autriche.

  • Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D., Callegarin, L. and Kbiri Alaoui, M., 2007. Geophysical investigations over the archaeological site of Rirha (Morocco), Abstract AGU Meeting, Acapulco, Mexique.

  • Bardainne, T., Gaillot, P., Dubos-Sallee, N., Blanco, J., Sénéchal, G., 2006. Characterization of seismic waveforms and classification of seismic events using chirplet atomic decomposition. Example from the Lacq gas field (Western Pyrenees, France), Geophysical Journal International, Volume 166, Issue 2, 699-718.

  • Sénéchal, G., Bardainne, T., Dubos-Sallée, N., 2006. Synthesis of 30 years of seismicity induced by the exploitation of the Lacq gas field, Abstract EAGE-SEG Meeting, St Pétersbourg, Russie.

  • Sénéchal, P., Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D. and Martin, J.M., 2006. Determination of water wells location based on geophysical investigations – An example in an alluvial plain, Extended Abstract, EAGE-Near Surface Meeting, Helsinki, Finlande.

  • Dubos-Sallée, N., Bardainne, T., Sénéchal, G., 2006. Lacq gaz field seismicity: spacio-temporal evolution over 30 years, EGU Meeting, Vienne, Autriche.

  • Gaffet, S., Monfret, T., Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D. and Zeyen, H., 2005. Seismic time reversal experiment in the low-noise experimental laboratory, LSBB (France), EGU meeting, Vienne, Autriche.

  • Rousset, D., Sénéchal, G., Fouache, E., Garçon, D. and Madjidzadeh, Y., 2005. Preliminary geophysical investigations at Konar Sandal archaeological site, Jiroft, Iran, EAGE meeting, Palerme, Italie.

  • Fouache, E., Garçon, D., Rousset, D., Sénéchal,G. and Madjidzadeh, Y., 2005. La vallée de l'Halil Roud (région de Jiroft, Iran) : étude géoarchéologique, méthodologie et résultats préliminaires. Paléorient, vol 3 1/2, pp 107-122.

  • Bardainne, T., Gaillot, P. and Sénéchal, G., 2004. New Waveform Analysis Method: the Chirplet Transform. Characterisation of the Induced-Seismicity From the Lacq gas Field (Western Pyrenees, France), AGU meeting, Etats-Unis.

  • Rousset, D., Perroud, H., Sénéchal, G. and Sénéchal, P, 2004. Very high resolution seismic investigation on a near surface aquifer, IGC meeting, Florence, Italie.

  • Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D., Gloaguen, E. and Lebourg, T., 2004. High resolution seismic experiment within the low-noise underground laboratory (LSBB) of Rustrel (France), EAGE meeting, Utrecht, Pays-bas.

  • Bardainne, T., Sénéchal, G. and Grasso, J.R., 2003. Study of a gas field fracturation, based on induced seismicity and 3D seismic data, Abstract EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly meeting, Nice, France.

  • Sénéchal, G., Hollender, F. and Rousset, D., 2003. Near surface characterisation of a limestone site using borehole and surface geophysics, Abstract EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly meeting, Nice, France.

  • Rousset, D.; Genthon, P.; Perroud, H., Sénéchal, G. , 2003. 3D geophysical investigations of shallow karstic structures, Abstract EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France.

  • Hollender, F., Delarche, S. and Sénéchal, G., 2003. Comparison between different well logging tools for the determination of the electrical conductivity of near-surface limestone site formations, Abstract EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly meeting, Nice, France.

  • Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D., Salomé, A.L., Grasso, J.R., 2003. Georadar and seismic investigations over the glacier de la Girose (French Alps), Near Surface Geophysics, 1, pp 5-12.

  • Dubos, N., Souriau, A., Ponsolles, Ch., Fels, J.F. and Sénéchal, G., 2003. Études des effets de sites dans la ville de Lourdes (Pyrénées, France) par la méthode des rapports spectraux, Bull. Soc. Géol. Fr, 174, pp 33-44.

  • Grandjean, G., Sénéchal, G., Bitri, A., Daban, J.B., 2002. Détection de carrières souterraines par sismique haute résolution à Annet-sur-Marne (France), C.R. Géoscience, 334, pp 441-447.

  • Sénéchal, G., Garambois, S., Sénéchal, P., Perroud, H., Rousset, D., Daudignon, A., 2001. Détection et caractérisation de fluides dans le sol à partir de méthodes géophysiques conjointes, revue des sciences de l'eau.

  • Garambois, S., Sénéchal, P., Perroud, H., Daudignon, A., Sénéchal, G., Bourg, A., Landat, E., 2001. Characterization of near-surface water using combined geophysical methods. EGS, Nice, France.

  • Sénéchal, G., Garambois, S., Rousset, D., Salomé, A.L., Grasso, J.R. and Helmstetter, A., 2001. A glacier study using combined geophysical methods, Abstract EGS meeting, Nice, France.

  • Perroud, H., Rousset, D., Sénéchal, G., Sénéchal, P., 2000. Approches géophysiques conjointes pour la détermination des paramètres physiques du sous-sol, Abstract RST meeting, Paris.

  • Rousset, D., Alasset, P.J., Hervoüet, Y., Perroud, H., Sénéchal, G., 2000. Étude sismique du contexte structural de la résurgence de l'oeil du Néez (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Abstract RST meeting, Paris.

  • Sénéchal, P., Perroud, H., Sénéchal, G., 2000. Interpretation of reflection attributes in a 3D GPR survey at Vallée d'Ossau, Western Pyrenees, France, Geophysics, 65, pp 1435-1445.

  • Rondenay, S., Bostock, M.G., Hearn, T.M., White, D.J., Wu, H., Sénéchal, G., Ji, S., Mareschal, M., 2000. Teleseismic studies of the lithosphere below the Lithoprobe Abitibi-Grenville Transect, Can. J. of Earth Sciences, 37, pp 415-426.

  • Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D., Perroud, H. 1998. Seismic cavity detection: comparison between field data and synthetic data. Extended abstract EEGS meeting, Barcelonne, pp 383-386.

  • Rousset, D., Genthon, H., Perroud, H., Sénéchal, G., 1998. Detection and characterizzation of near surface small cavities using integrated geophysical surveys. Extended abstract EEGS meeting, Barcelonne, pp 367-370.

  • Rousset, D., Germa, P.H., Perroud, H., Sénéchal, G., 1997. Seismic response of a complex near surface model: field and numerical experiments. Abstract EAGE meeting, Genève.

  • Groupe de recherche GéoFrance 3D, dont Sénéchal, G., 1997. GEOFRANCE 3D: l'imagerie géologique et géophysique 3D du sous-sol de la France, Mém. Soc. géol. France, 172, pp 53-71.

  • Shaocheng. J., Sénéchal, G., Rondenay, S., 1996. Obliquity between seismic and electrical anisotropies as an indicator of movement sens for ductile mantle shear zones, Geology, 24, pp 1033-1036.

  • Sénéchal, G., Rondenay S., Mareschal, M., Guilbert, J., Poupinet, G., 1996. Teleseismic shear wave splitting and electrical anisotropy across the Grenville front, Canada, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, pp 2255-2258.

  • Sénéchal, G., Mareschal, M., Hubert, C, Calvert, A., Grandjean, G., Ludden, J, 1996. Intergated geophysical interpretation of crustal structures in the northen Abitibi belts; constaints from seismic amplitude analysis, Can. J. of Earth Sciences, 33, pp 1343-1362.

  • Thouvenot, F., Sénéchal, G., Truffert, C., Guellec, S., 1996. Comparison between two techniques of line-drawing migration (ray tracing and common tangent method), Bull. Soc. géol. Fr, 170, pp 53-59.

  • Thouvenot, F., Paul, A., Sénéchal, G., Hirn, A., Nicolich, R., 1996. Wide-angle reflection seismics in the western Alps, Bull. Soc. géol. Fr, 170, pp 43-52.

  • Sénéchal, G. and thouvenot, F., 1994. Seismic diffraction from the North-Pyrenean Fault: a depth-migrated line-drawing of the ECORS profile, Tectonophysics, 233, pp 83-89.

  • Sénéchal, G. and Thouvenot, F., 1991. Geometrical migration of line-drawings: a simplified method applied to ECORS data, AGU Geodynamics Series, 22, pp 401-407.

  • Thouvenot, F., Paul, A., Sénéchal, G., Hirn, A. and Nicolich, R., 1990. ECORS-CROP wide-angle reflection seismics: constraints on deep interfaces beneath the Alps, Mém. Soc. Géol. France, N.S., 156, pp 97-106.