Published on 11/4/20
AngletJoint research unit UPPA/TOTAL/CNRS - Laboratory for complex fluids and their reservoirs (IPRA - LFCR)
Published on 11/4/20 | Modified on 4/4/22
Chair kick-off: septembre 2018
Duration: 5 ans
CO₂ EX Project | CO₂ ES Research Chair
In the fall of 2021, the CO₂ EX project team embarked on a parabolic flight to study chemical dissolution behaviors that cannot be reproduced on Earth due to gravity.
Fighting against global warming
Kick-off meeting (KOM) of the CO₂ES chair, Monday, November 26, 2018, at the presidential amphitheatreGlobal warming is one of the major concerns of humankind...
Carbon capture, use and storage (Carbone Capture, Utilization and Storage) are some of the viable solutions to reduce the atmospheric concentration of...